Video Documentary Submission FAQ
Video Documentary Submission FAQs
How will I know if my MindFlow Video Documentary submission is received?
If you have completed all of the submission steps (including payment), you will receive an email confirming your submission is completed, within 48 hours and you will receive a receipt of payment.
I completed all the submission steps, but my account still says my submission is not completed. What’s up?
Even if you have completed all the steps, your submission is not completed until we receive notification from our credit card processor that your submission fee was paid.
If it’s been longer than 3-4 days, please contact us at
What if I have problems submitting online?
If you encounter problems while submitting your MindFlow Performance Video Documentary via email, you may ask for help by contacting us at
Do not email your submission; we cannot accept submissions via email.
The file containing the MindFlow Performance Video Documentary is too large to email. What should I do?
It is likely that the file size of your film will be too large to send over email. In this instance, upload the file to a cloud storage portal, such as Google Docs and send the file shortcut link to
How do I know if my submission was accepted?
You will be notified via email approximately four weeks after the submission deadline to let you know if your submission has been accepted for presentation at the Scientific Symposium.
If my abstract is accepted, how do I know when I will be presenting?
After acceptance notifications are emailed the Video Documentary screening schedules will be posted to the website. Look for Video Documentary details on the Scientific Symposium schedule posted on the Scientific Symposium page on the
Do I need to be a registered attendee to submit an documentary? Can I register as an attendee when I submit a documentary?
Yes and yes. On the registration page for the MindFlow Scientific Symposium, you will also be able to submit payment for your MindFlow Performance Video Documentary submission.
May I submit more than one documentary?
No. Each attendee may submit only one MindFlow Performance Video Documentary.
I was unable to complete my payment online. Is there another way to make my payment?
If you are having a problem paying online, please try again later or try a different card. If you continue to have problems, please contact us at to make other payment arrangements.
Does the 250 word limit include my title and author information?
No, the 250 word limit per abstract does not include the title of your documentary, your contributors’ names, or affiliation information.
If I’m unable to attend the meeting, can someone else present in my place?
Under certain conditions, such as a family or medical emergency, you may make special arrangements to have another author present in your place. The first author must notify MindFlow Performance in writing stating the reason for the substitution. In the case of a substitution, the substitute presenter must be registered to attend the meeting.
Send all substitution requests to